It happened before I could react. There was a rush of cool air and the sound of something crunching on solid wood.
Looking over at the wall, next to the door hung Frank. He had one arm with his fingers dug into the wall with the other holding something. His feet were in the same vertical position pushing against the grain of the wood. There was a blank look on Frank’s face as Ed cleared his throat, forcing me to glance over. He was too calm for what had just happened.
You see, Frank brought my drink in while crawling up the side of the wall, and handed it to me upside down hanging from the ceiling smiling with that look on his face still there.
He didn’t move after I took the drink, he just hung there and stared. I noticed his eyes were now pitch black. His hands I never noticed under the desk... let’s just say I wouldn’t want to get him around a chalk board. All the while neither one of us had taken a breath. After a minute I blinked. As soon as I let my breath out Frank looked over at Ed. I could smell that sweet scent of flowers so strong coming from Frank, that it was nauseating.
“Thanks, I’ll let you know if Max needs anything else. You can go now, thank you,” Ed said.
“You’re welcome Max,” Frank said like a little kid that was hiding a secret.
“Uh… thanks,” I said.
Frank jumped from the ceiling to the door in one smooth motion. This couldn’t be really happening, my military mind was telling me. What I had just witnessed was telling me different.
“Max, well played, I can tell that the manners your mother drilled into you as a child are about to pay off. Plus you didn’t flinch when Frank popped in. Alright, you get your question.”
“That… happened… what the hell was that?” I asked, having much less color on my face than a few minutes ago, and sitting up much straighter in my chair.
“OK, that’s your question. He is a receptionist getting you a drink,” Ed said, leaning back with a smug look on his face.
“Look,” I said sternly. “I’m not playing any of these games, what is Frank?”
“A vampire, as we call them on work release, he’s doing great. Frank got into some trouble, it happens,” Ed said.
“Vampire, like blood-sucking, immortal, all lovey dovey?” I said, thinking that if this was the opener the rest of the show was going to be a ride.
“Yes to a point, not completely what you think, but close. You see, there has been a resurgence of a type lately. Specifically, to your question, they like blood, mainly the synthetic type these days, and are only as immortal as they want to be. I can fill you in later on what they really are and where they came from. It’s a long story and not really what you think. More of a condition that started affecting a certain group of people from long ago. The last part, let me guess, you saw or read some cheesy vampire stories.” Ed paused, giving me a minute to inhale as I was still holding my breath.
“They are about as normal as it gets unless they are not tied to the council, but still can be lovey dovey as you say. Every now and then they revert to old habits, and it has drastic effects on them. Much like an addict getting their fix, and how it changes them. Frank is in this boat. There hasn’t been a new one to my knowledge in over ten years. Well not until recently, but that is for another time depending on if you decide to accept what Tom has left you. Which reminds me, we need to get back to the will.”
I opened up the old brain, sat back and let Ed start. Watching Ed, I could tell at this point, after my shock had worn off, that he was serious and being honest for the most part. I had started sweating, and decided to calm down and see where this went. Oddly, as soon as this crossed my mind I could see the tension that was in Ed’s shoulders let out. Am I crazy or does he know what I am thinking?
“Ed, do you know what I am thinking?” I asked bluntly.
“You mean that you are ready to see where this goes part? Yes.”
“OK what’s next…, wands?” I said, chuckling nervously. Ed let a flat laugh out and smiled.
“No, this is where things are going to get interesting for you, I believe. Max this, will is what we call binding. Tom bound this to you and myself so that we must follow it if you indeed sign it. Let’s just say that things will start in motion that we will not be able to stop. Questions?”
“Like a magic connection?” I said.
“Exactly. Now you’re getting it. Let me start with handing over this letter that Tom wrote for you. It explains a lot and he asked me to guide you through it and answer any questions you have. Understand there is a reason for this and the letter will explain everything. Let’s get started.” Ed handed me the letter. I opened the envelope and started reading the contents.
I hope this letter finds you well and not too confused. First I am sorry for many things but need you to understand. Edward has by now told you to some extent that magic as the normal world calls it is real.
As you are probably close to thirty you have likely noticed some odd things starting to happen to you. Things may be off. Cold, hot, or thoughts going through your mind that do not seem to be yours, it can be anything. One thing is for certain, you are my grandson and you will experience this. Our family is very old, as am I.
The only reason I am not here to tell you this in person, is that I am either dead or lost. It does not matter, but what matters is why. Hopefully over time this becomes clearer, however you must understand that you are now the steward of the Atheneum if you choose to bind with the will. You will soon understand what this position entails. My gift to you is a job. None of this is coincidence.
The Atheneum is a suppository of knowledge of sorts, it is very old and has moved over the years when necessary. It holds many things, mainly knowledge, and the Postern, a room you will learn more about. While not the only Atheneum in the world, it is the one mainly used by “English speaking Western Civilization” as the crow flies. Max, here are the facts you need to know.
While magic is real, it is not as widespread as you may think, at least not today.
Over the last ten years this is changing. Magical things are happening to people that in the past would not. Ethoturgical effects in normal people are starting to occur again without cause. This means that there is an imbalance somewhere. We measure this and call it Etherium. You will learn more about this and how it is the basis for magic.
There is an Ethereal council. “Magic Court”, if that makes more sense to you now.
This is made up of regular governments, the Earth born Mage community, and Ethereal representatives from the different groups. It’s tied to main governments around the world and is called on paper in the U.S. the “The National Council of Traditional Sciences” or the NCTS as it’s known officially. This council represents the U.S. population of Mages, and other creatures and has four representatives in North America. It is the main overseeing body of the Atheneum. This is part of the Ethereal Global council. I work/worked for this council as the liaison between the U.S. Federal law enforcement system and the rest of the non-ethereal (non-magic practicing) population. The Council Services Agency (CSA) is the global organization I report to. Edward will discuss the U.S. representatives when the time comes. There are only a few civilian officers that work on cases or issues that are considered (OTN) “Other than Natural” and this will become clear soon.
The general population, as I am sure you are aware, are not cognizant of any of this however things are changing. There has been a surge in people and creatures over the past five years gaining the ability to practice magic without explanation. Incidents are starting to become harder to explain, and/or address without the general population knowing.
The Ethereal Council over the past five years, has all but decided to release the knowledge of the Ethereal and Magical communities to the general population. It is causing a huge power struggle. The issue is civilian governments and the power play within the Ethere
al and Magical communities. There are people born on Earth that have magical abilities, and then there are the Ethereals. Beings that came from the Plane that are not from Earth. This includes the darker side of things. LET ME BE CLEAR THERE ARE PEOPLE AND THINGS THAT ARE FROM EARTH AND SOME THAT ARE NOT. This has caused much of the recent discord, as magic practitioners and others born here have become more powerful over time than many true Ethereals that stay mostly outside of what you would call the real world on the Plane. We believe that the Ethereals living on the Plane are worried about the human population, and Earth-born Mages that are mostly hidden in plain sight having more combined power at the end of the day.
As there is a guiding Council there are also those that do not follow its rule of law. That is what I have spent my entire life managing, or at least helping others manage.
Phil works at the Atheneum. He will be your partner in all things that relate to the day-to-day operations of the facility. He is trained, and certified from the Steward’s Guild specifically to work with you or whomever.
Edward is my most trusted confidant and at one time my partner. I am sure he is doing everything in order and is helping you take everything in and will slowly integrate you.
Lastly and most importantly, if you choose to move forward and become a full Mage, you need to know it will happen anyways. It’s in your blood. Right now, you have now only lower levels of Etherium in your body, but this will change. The team will explain more to you when you meet. There is a caveat that cannot be ignored. The council is just like any government entity. I like to compare it to the DMV or Department of Motor Vehicles. You have to train, and learn over time to become sanctioned to practice, much like driving. You will have to find a sponsor and soon. This process is complicated and you have a year from your thirtieth birthday to find one, or in most cases one finds you. I already asked Edward to take on this role when the time comes, however he knows this would not be a good fit. This still has to happen. Not having a sponsor could expose you to the other side of the Mage community. The ones not tied to the council. While not all bad, it will be an issue. You have to learn to harness the power you will undoubtedly have. Every person that has some level of what we call Etherium will have overall power to work magic at various levels. The caveat as we have identified, is that Etherium affects every practitioner differently and always pushes a dominant trait. Edward, for example, can read minds to a point. He’s really good at it. He will tell you when the time is right about me.
I know this is a lot to take in and you need to read this letter closely to make sure you understand and ask Edward the right questions.
Your grandfather.
Thomas Gabriel Sand.
“Well?” Ed asked cocking his head slightly to the right while taking a sip from the glass on his desk.
I let out a low whistle. “I think that was the craziest thing I’ve ever read, and it also seems to make some kind of irrational sense,” I said, slowly nodding my head in affirmation.
“Right,” Ed said as he leaned forward and let a slight smile skim his lips. “Let’s get started and see how far we can get.”
Over the course of the next two hours I asked Ed every question that I could, pending his affliction for captain obvious type answers that still somehow satisfied my intent.
It was clear he knew what I was going to ask, he even made it a point to have Frank bring in some coffee knowing Frank wanted to mess with me, and of course did so in various degrees of uneasy ways I’m guessing only a vampire could.
My favorite being his second trip in with a drink and some notes. While handing me the glass, he made sure that he cupped it in my hand showing that his body was frigid to the touch, and clammy. If you’ve ever handled a shark, it’s the same texture.
Ed went over how important manners are with the Ethereal crowd, so after I said thank you, and asked for some hand sanitizer it became quickly apparent that was not an acceptable request in front of a vamp. Before it came out my mouth, Ed was already chuckling under his breath watching Frank storm out of the room with a quick spin and slam of the door. So some of it was true, vamps can be a little moody.
As with all my questions, Ed explained that Frank would be an example of someone with the temperament of a person in rehab and that it was important to respect him while in his office. Frank had turned himself in. He was an untethered vampire with no house which was nothing but the new politically correct way of saying, “he didn’t have a master”. He had gained a taste for unwilling human blood. There’s apparently a whole industry that produces synthetic blood that treated vamps much better mentally and physically. It was even designed to combat all the myths we learned about as good young moviegoers.
After years of watching vampire movies I had some pre-ordained concepts of how they should be. I think I missed the movie where there was a male secretary vamp that was in rehab.
That’s another thing. The politically correct police had even affected the community, as Ed started cumulatively referencing them as the “Magical community.” I noted it for later that he used that term for mages, practitioners, and a few other degrees of human people capable of magic. Ethereals and mages are two different things, I had figured out.
After digesting most of what I heard, I took some notes and looked up companies that support the Ethereal world. Mags-Tech, yes that is a real thing. Research NCTS. The list was about a page long. I was here, however, at the end of the day to go over the will.
Ed looked over.
“Max, I think it’s time we go over what we came to discuss and I believe you’re also in the right frame of mind now, shall we?”
“Sure, can’t be any weirder than this,” I said, knowing that it probably was. By then I needed more than one drink.
“Let’s go over the main parts and work through the details later,” Ed stated. “Tom has left you as the main heir to the estate and his property. You are allowed to move to his house, however there are some caveats. His room is to remain sealed in case he was to come back. By now you are figuring out that type of thing happens. The building is truly not the family’s property but a duty of sorts. The Sand family has been with the Atheneum since, well let’s just say a long time. This first section describes the details of the property management, and the rights and responsibilities you have with the staff who themselves are part of the Atheneum.”
“Hold up,” I said, cocking my head to one side. “You mean if I take a go at this. I just want to be clear.”
“As I was saying, if you choose to accept. Since I know you don’t have any valid questions at this time…”
“Wait, I do.”
“No you don’t, stop being stubborn. The Fallen Angel will be there when you get done, I promise it always is when you need a stiff drink. Might I recommend that I go with you? It may change your perspective on the place.”
“Sure,” I said, knowing there was more to it. He wanted to spend time with me. In my head I could hear the immortal words ‘young grasshopper’.
“As I was saying, the second section is a release form for the NCTS. Since you’re prior military that part should be easy. You’re going to find that you’ll have access to many new, and at times, powerful things. Please read this section closely,” Ed said.
So I did, and found it was basically what Ed had just laid out minus all the “You are responsible for your own life” and it ended in the statement. “Always remember casting/magic/spelling/charming can help protect you, but a bullet is a bullet. It can still have the same affects.” The documents were basically oddly written liability waivers making sure I understood that if I was to be hurt that it was absolutely my own fault.
“This is really a job interview of sorts isn’t it?” I said, slowly starting to realize what was happening.
The next section that Ed went over as blandly as possible was simply a title for the house, the Postern, whatever that
is, and oddly had several pages missing.
“Max, these pages went missing at the same time Tom did. They’re notes on the Postern and what the room truly does. I don’t even know what these pages stated, or what many of the gates do in that room. Or at least I don’t know how to use all of them. You’ll just have to see.”
Great, I thought to myself, a crapshoot of details I’d never get through and just end up signing. Just like my first car that ended up having a 29% interest rate.
After that explanation I followed up with a round of questions on the room and the gates to only be directed to Phil when I meet him.
Ed showed me another stack of paperwork to review as well as a few items. More deed papers, and more documents to fill out for personal information. I felt like was joining the army all over again minus having to bend over for an old man. Well hopefully not… Apparently, I was also left a trust fund account. Ed described it as, ‘you’ll never run out of money for tacos, however you could if you lived long enough’.
“Max,” Ed said sternly. “The lock box I am handing you was very important to your grandfather. It was his life’s hobby looking for mythical places and artifacts. This was his fountain of youth journal. He claimed it was given to him, and only a blood relative can open it. Anyways it’s probably worth a read.”
Next was a Mags-Tech release form, for what looked like a computer and new phone. The lock box with the journal in it. Paperwork for a set of keys to a vehicle. Ed stated he actually had no clue where this vehicle was. More forms for keys to a gun box with a five-page disclaimer. It actually called the gun The Judge. Another for a sword named Durandal; man, everything has names.
My questions at some point during this conversation actually sounded like I knew what I was asking. “So blended or charmed means it has power in it like Etherium to make it do something specific, and bound means it ties something together or connects things?” I asked.